Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance

Beat Retreat 2024

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Registration is now open for 2024!

Don't miss out on the opportunity to see old friends and make new ones! The Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance (CCHA) along with the Beat Retreat is happy to present the 15th annual Beat Retreat camp September 12-15, 2024. 

What is the Beat Retreat? The Beat Retreat is a fun-filled, four-day annual retreat for adults (18+) living with congenital heart disease (CHD). You’ll have an opportunity to participate in a mix of traditional camp activities such as campfires, canoeing, crafts, archery, initiative games, yoga, and skit night – all geared to your physical ability and comfort level. Equally important, you’ll have an opportunity to chill with new friends and build life-long friendships, share and learn from the experiences of others living with CHD. You will also have the opportunity to chat with healthcare professionals in a relaxed and informal setting as well as a couple educational session geared towards the needs of adults living with CHD. In short, it’s a weekend of fun, friends, firsts, and great food.

The Beat Retreat is a place where you can…

• Connect with and learn from others with a similar heart history.

• Develop skills to better manage your healthcare needs and cope with the challenges of CHD.

• Have lots of fun!

When is the Beat Retreat? September 12-15, 2024. If you can't attend for the entire weekend, come for the part you can!

Where is it held? Camp Ki-Wa-Y – located on Paradise Lake, just 15 minutes north of Kitchener-Waterloo.

Is there a minimum age to attend?  Yes. You must be at least 18 years of age by the first day of the retreat (September 12, 2024).  

Do I need to be a member of CCHA to attend the Beat Retreat?  Yes. Membership is free and you can sign up online via this link or the JOIN at the top right of this website. Being a member automatically makes you part of the congenital heart disease community - which helps when we go to industry and the government for funding for
our programs. You will also receive email updates from us (but not too many!).

How much is it to attend? The 2024 registration fee is $150. That covers your food, accommodation and activities for all four days. That’s a fantastic deal! In fact, it's about half the actual cost; fundraising and CCHA covers the rest. You can pay by e-transfer to (be sure to note that funds are Beat Retreat registration fees) or by cheque mailed to CCHA

How do I register? Download and complete all forms: the Beat Retreat Application form; have the Beat Retreat Medical form completed by your cardiology team; and complete the Medical Information form. Submit all forms, required accompanying documentation and registration fees by the deadline August 1, 2024. 

PDF icon Download Camp Forms 2024-1.pdf (364.08 KB)

What is the deadline to register? Applications and registration fees are due by August 1, 2024 or when the camp is full. There are 50 spots for campers so be sure to register early.

Where can I get more information?

What is on this year's agenda?  We are still working on finalizing this year's agenda, we will post soon.

Interested in starting a Beat Retreat camp in your province? The Beat Retreat is looking to expand. If you are interested in helping to bring the Beat Retreat to your province, please email Jennifer at

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