Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance

Virtual Heart Camp

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heart, heart disease, health health, CHD, heart defect, healthy living, exercise, kids camp, virtual camp, chd educcation,website, ASD, VSD, fontan, tetrology, aorta, ventricle, ohs, heart surgery

Join us for our annual Virtual Heart camp on November 23, 2024 organized by the Virtual Heart Connection and CCHA.

Previously for Fontan kids, this year it is open to all kids 7-16 years with any type of congenital heart disease so they can connect with others like them.

For more info and to register, click here:


heart, heart disease, health health, CHD, heart defect, healthy living, exercise, fundriaser, chairty, website, ASD, VSD, fontan, tetrology, PFO, coartation, aorta, ventricle, ohs, heart surgery

Joignez-vous à The Virtual Heart Connection et l'ACCC pour notre Camp Virtuel Coeur Congénital le 23 novembre 2024.

Auparavant ce camp visait les enfants qui avaient des Fontans mais cette année il est ouvert à tous les enfants atteints de n'importe quelle cardiopathie congénitale âgés de 7 à 16 ans pour leur donner la chance de connaître d'autres enfants comme eux.

Pour d'autres informations et pour vous enregistrer, cliquer ici:



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Check out how congenital heart disease stacks up against better recognized diseases in Canada! So many affected and so little awareness and funding! Get involved with CCHA, donate, and spread the word about the growing population of of "survivors" so that we can get the care and support we need to live long, healthy lives!


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