Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance


heart, congenital heart disease, heart disease, heart defect, congenital heart defect, heart surgery, open heart surgery,

Virtual Congenital Heart Choir

Are you a child living with congenital heart disease in Canada? Do you like to sing? Are you looking for something fun to do inside over the long Canadian Winter?

Why not join our CHD children's choir! Brought to you by musicians from the Virtual Heart Connection (VHC) in association with the Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance (CCHA), you will learn a medley of songs and sing together with other CHD kids.

Sessions will start with vocal warm-up exercises followed by learning the song. Participants will have an optional chat time with each other at the end...

heart, heart defect, heart disease, congenital heart disease, congenital heart defect, OHS, #ohs, CHD, #CHD, heart health, education, CHD advocacy, CHD education, CHD awareness, heart disease


This week is Heart Valve Disease Awareness Week (Sept 11-17).

Many people living with CHD have defects that include the valves in their heart. The 4 valves of the heart are:

Tricuspid valve: between the right atrium and the right ventricle.

Pulmonary valve: between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery.

Mitral valve: between the left atrium and the left ventricle.

Aortic valve: between the aorta and left ventricle.

heart, heart defect, heart disease, congenital heart disease, congenital heart defect, OHS, #ohs, CHD, #CHD, heart health, education, CHD advocacy, CHD education, CHD awareness, heart disease source

Valve repair or replacement may be required to treat their CHD. Some types of replacement valves may...

heart, heart defect, heart disease, congenital heart disease, congenital heart defect, OHS, #ohs, CHD, #CHD, heart health, education, CHD advocacy, CHD education, CHD awareness, heart disease, cardiopathie congenitale


The Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance (CCHA) is looking for its next generation of leaders to fill critical volunteer positions on our national Board of Directors. This elected group supports the work of CCHA and provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance.  We believe that a highly effective Board includes members from across Canada from many walks of life and that this diversity helps to best guide the overall strategic management and stewardship of the Foundation.  The CCHA’s Nominating Committee needs your help to identify Board candidates. We are looking for committed...

CCHA is back on Instagram #CHD #HeartMonth #1in100 #MoisduCoeur #cardiopathiecongenitale #heartdisease #heartdefect #instagram #insta #thegram #CHDawareness

Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance is back on Instagram with our new account @CCHA4LIFE!

You may have noticed we haven`t updated our old IG in some time. We were locked out and sadly unable to recover the account. We are currently in the process of closing down our old page @cchaforlife and we hope you will follow us on this new one.

Please continue to support our CHD community by liking our posts, following our page, and turning on your notifications as you look forward to amazing content this Heart Month 2023!

You can also follow us on:

Facebook: @CCHAforlife

Twitter: @cchaforlife...

It's Heart Month image with hands raised for Congenital Heart Disease Awareness #CHD #HeartMonth #1in100 #MoisduCoeur #cardiopathiecongenitale #heartdisease #heartdefect

February is Heart Month! CCHA is so excited to bring you a month full of events, announcements, and most importantly awareness. Raise your hand if you will join us in raising CHD Awareness in support of over 250,000 Canadians living with Congenital Heart Disease.


C'est l'image du mois du cœur avec les mains levées pour la sensibilisation aux maladies cardiaques congénitales #CHD #HeartMonth #1in100 #MoisduCoeur #cardiopathiecongenitale #heartdisease #cardiopathie #heartdefect malformation cardiaque

Février est le mois du cœur ! Le CCHA est ravi de vous offrir un mois rempli d'événements, d'annonces et, surtout, de sensibilisation. Levez la main si vous vous joignez à nous pour sensibiliser la population aux cardiopathies congénitales afin de soutenir plus de 250,000 Canadiens vivant avec une cardiopathie...

Multiple images of people playing sports and exercising on top of Exercise and CHD title and event details

Exciting event! Virtual Exercise and CHD event for children and families hosted by Virtual Heart Connection through their 'Connecting Caregivers' program.

Register here

CCHA's Brenaven Kugamoorthy, a kinesiologist from UofT who has an interest in physical activity for individuals with congenital heart diseases, to give a 30 minute talk on recommendations for exercise programs, different modalities of exercise children and caregivers/parents can do together to meet their demands and capacities. This talk will be mostly targeted towards caregivers/parents...

heart, heart disease, heart defect, heart health, healthy living, congenital heart, congenital heart defect, CHD, board, board of directors, volunteer


The Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance (CCHA) is looking for its next generation of leaders to fill critical volunteer positions on our national Board of Directors. This elected group supports the work of CCHA and provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance.  We believe that a highly effective Board includes members from across Canada from many walks of life and that this diversity helps to best guide the overall strategic management and stewardship of the Foundation.  The CCHA’s Nominating Committee needs your help to identify Board candidates. We are looking for committed people...

heart defects, heart disease, charity, CHD, heart month, heart, congenital heart defect, congenital heart disease, birth defect, 1 in 100, chd awareness, chd advocacy


Happy Heart Month 2022 from the Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance (CCHA)!

This year our Heart Month campaign focuses on the number four - 4 chambers in the heart; 4 weeks in February; 4 values in our mission. We advocate for and enrich the lives of people with congenital heart disease (CHD) through awareness, education, research and support. And this month, we've got a line-up of engaging events and campaigns 4 you!

This month we will make announcements, introduce #hastag challenges, launch new resources, and host family activities and more. Stay tuned to see how we have #CanadaLitRed4CHD to...

Heart Defect, heart disease, virtual camp, Fontan, congenital heart disease, CHD


CCHA is pleased to partner with Virtual Heart Connection for their 2nd annual Virtual Fontan Heart Camp. 

To register

Event Date: Saturday, February 26, 2022
Event Time: 9am – 3pm (Mountain Time)
Event Agenda: View Agenda Here
Event Location: Online
Eligibility: Children between the ages of 8-15 who had Fontan surgery and are followed by a cardiologist anywhere in Canada!
RSVP EXTENDED! Register by January 22, 2022 – Space is Limited!

Event Description

Join us on Saturday, February 26, 2022 from 9am – 3pm (Mountain Time)
for the second Western Canadian...

Canadian flag

    City of Edmonton Proclaiming CHD Awareness Week  City of Calgary Proclaiming CHD Awareness Week  City of Chestermere Proclaiming CHD Awareness Week

Excited to see Alberta is leading the charge this year, proclaiming CHD Awareness Week in Edmonton, Calgary and Chestermere.

Thanks to our board member Jennifer M for submitting the requests. If you want to help us have even more cities across Canada proclaim CHD Awareness Week 2022, email us at [email protected] to get involved!


Les villes canadiennes proclament la Semaine de sensibilisation aux cardiopathies congénitales

Je suis ravi de voir que l'Alberta mène la charge cette année, proclamant...


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Check out how congenital heart disease stacks up against better recognized diseases in Canada! So many affected and so little awareness and funding! Get involved with CCHA, donate, and spread the word about the growing population of of "survivors" so that we can get the care and support we need to live long, healthy lives!


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