Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance

April 2024

Browse an archive of all of the content on the site.

heart, heart disease, health health, CHD, heart defect, healthy living, exercise, fundriaser, chairty, website, ASD, VSD, fontan, tetrology, PFO, coartation, aorta, ventricle, ohs, heart surgery


We are fundraising to raise funds to save CCHA's website. Every year, CCHA’s website gets more than 10,000 visitors, giving people the critical information they need to know about living their best CHD life. But by July 15, there will be no website. The platform hosting is no longer supported and, without intervention, our website will be taken offline entirely.


Help us raise $5,575 to finish development of the new website. Long term we intend to build the 'Go To' destination for CHD information and resources.

Use this link to donate

Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society Data Center
The Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society Data Center takes pride in their research and it would not be possible without the annual participation of the patients and families enrolled in their studies. Please click on the banner to be part of their team and to join their community.


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